Crafting research with impact on energy policy and regulation

From October 4-6, the Loyola Autumn Research School (LARS) took place in Florence. It was organized by Fraunhofer CINES in collaboration with the Florence School of Regulation and Turin Polytechnic University. The LARS is the successor of the successful »Summer School on Energy Systems for Young Researchers«. A total of 29 PhD students and researchers from all over the world participated in the LARS.
CINES Expert Anne Held, Head of CINES Dimension Energy Systems Analysis, shared her experience using energy models to support regulatory and policy debates with the participants, emphasizing the role of researchers: »Researchers are, in essence, translators. Bridging the gap between complex ideas and layman's understanding is a vital role we play.«
During the three-day course, the researchers provided insights into approaches, models and tools for applied energy research. The participants were able to deepen their newly gained knowledge in workshops through peer-to-peer feedback.