Process heat for industry and commerce

So much for dreams of the future!

Large industrial heat pumps are already on the threshold of economic viability. We help you to cross it.

The energy transition is a particular challenge for heat-intensive industrial companies. The future development of technologies, markets and regulation appears to be difficult to understand, especially in the field of process heat. There are still considerable uncertainties regarding the availability and economic viability of hydrogen in particular.

However, solutions for many applications with process temperatures of up to 300 °C are already available today in the form of high-temperature heat pumps. Together with optimized process chains, energy management and, if necessary, waste heat recovery, they are already on the threshold of economic viability.

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Feasibility studies for industry and commerce

With our feasibility studies, we determine whether and how your company can make the transformation to climate-neutral production using the latest technology and research.

They are designed for industrial companies with the following characteristics:

  • Heat-intensive industry, in particular: Food and food processing, paper and pulp, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastic goods
  • Process steam, hot water, waste heat recovery
  • Temperature range up to 300 °C

With Fraunhofer CINES, the expertise of several Fraunhofer Institutes is available to you in a bundled form

  • We work independently of technology, but still have a specialized view of technologies, economics, regulation, life cycles and raw material cycles.
  • We understand the future development of regulations, technologies and business models.
  • We also consider, test and evaluate new technologies that are still at a low level of maturity. 
  • We continuously develop and use innovative methods and tools.
  • With us, you can approach your project as a funded project, with reduced investment costs and, if necessary, with support and further development.

Our services at a glance

Analysis of existing processes and potentials

  • Energy flows (e.g. pinch analysis)
  • Savings, waste heat and
  • self-generation potential
  • Life cycle assessments (LCA)

Technology assessment

  • Heat pumps, geothermal energy, solar thermal energy, photovoltaics, biomethane, hydrogen, ORC
  • Heat storage
  • Internal and external waste heat extraction

Simulation and optimization of processes

  • Modeling of systems and components
  • Optimization of systems according to function, invest,
  • emissions and flexibility
  • Dimensioning of components

Forecast of energy demand and generation

  • Yield forecast for own power generation
  • Forecasting electricity markets
  • Strategies for energy trading and portfolio management

Optimized operational management

  • Optimization of schedules according to demand, costs, emissions and power grid status
  • Machine learning
  • Development and evaluation of cross-sector EMS and EnMS