
With the phase-out of coal and natural gas power generation, the question arises: How can the decarbonisation of the heating networks in Germany succeed? There are currently numerous obstacles. Economically, long payback periods stand in the way of the heat transformation. Another obstacle to the rapid progress of the transformation process lies in the uncertainty of investors and plant planners regarding the technical possibilities and economically feasible application potentials of alternative heat generation technologies. The goal of the Dimension Heat is to develop a transformation strategy based on complex analyses of producers, grids, and consumers by establishing a joint test platform.

Leistungen und Forschungsthemen


Process heat for industry and commerce

Large industrial heat pumps are already on the threshold of economic viability. We help you to cross it.


Municipal heat planning

We support local authorities with planning, strategies, data analysis and participation processes for heat planning.


Digitized district heating

Using renewable energies and waste heat efficiently, replacing fossil sources and achieving climate targets in the building sector.

Other topics

  • Development of transformation strategies for large district heating systems.
  • Development of methods for tapping into and integrating possible low-temperature and renewable heat sources into the district heating supply.
  • Identification of weak points, conversion and expansion requirements and solution approaches for the heat supply infrastructure.
  • Conception and development of methods for the integration of (large-scale) heat pumps into existing district heating systems.                           

The target groups include investors, planners, network operators and heat suppliers.

Please feel free to contact us or write to us.