Transformation of the gas infrastructure for climate protection

Germany's energy supply is currently still based primarily on the use of fossil fuels. With the energy transition, the transformation is increasingly moving away from fossil, resource-intensive energy sources toward an environmentally friendly, greenhouse gas-neutral energy supply. In addition to expanding renewable energies and leveraging energy efficiency potential across all application areas, the integration of sector coupling technologies is fundamental to the success of this transformation.

The project aims to advise the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Ministry for the Environment on energy and climate policy issues, which relate in particular to the future supply of gaseous energy sources and the necessary restructuring of gas infrastructures. In this context, a comprehensive overview of current plans as well as desirable target states and associated conversion paths from the point of view of climate protection and security of supply is to be provided, primarily on the basis of the existing literature.


You can find more information about the project here.  




Funding: Umweltbundesamt (UBA)

Project Management: Fraunhofer ISI

Contact within CINES:  Jakob Wachsmuth

Participating Fraunhofer Institutes: Fraunhofer ISI, IEG

Project Partner: DVGW - Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e. V.; DVGW - Forschungsstelle am Engler-Bunte-Institut des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT)

Project Duration: 07.2020 – 06.2022