Regulatory best practices for system integration with a focus on sector coupling - Global Power System Transformation (G-PST) initiative project

The global transformation of the power supply (Global Power System Transformation) is driven by a strong expansion of renewable energies, especially in the power sector, and their successful system integration. Sector coupling plays an important role in the energy transition and the system integration of renewables. The comprehensive transformation of the energy system and, in particular, the diffusion of sector coupling technologies pose technical and economic challenges, but also social and regulatory issues. In addition, the development of the necessary infrastructure must be included. 


Countries that already have a high share of renewables in energy consumption also tend to have extensive experience in deploying appropriate regulatory instruments and adapting market design. In contrast to them, however, there are also many national governments and regulators, system operators, and other actors that have significantly less experience with the use of appropriate instruments. These countries and actors face the challenge of acquiring and applying the knowledge needed to rapidly transform energy systems.


To ensure this in an efficient way, the project serves to let the less developed countries in the field of RE and sector coupling benefit and learn from the knowledge of the experienced countries. The study supports a global exchange of information on regulatory best practices in the energy transition. Through a global exchange of experiences, the transition towards a low-emission energy supply can be promoted on a strong scale and barriers in individual regions can be overcome together.


Funding: BMWi

Project Management: Fraunhofer ISI

Contact within CINES: Dr. Marian Klobasa

Participating Fraunhofer-Institutes: Fraunhofer ISI, Fraunhofer IEG

Project Partners: Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG), Imperial College London, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), und weitere

Project Duration: 07.2020-03.2021