
The ongoing digitization of the energy transition is making available an enormous amount of data that can contribute to greater efficiency at the system level and thus facilitate the energy transition. However, the sharing and cross-actor use of data is lagging behind in the energy sector, mainly due to a lack of trust, the risk of data breaches, and immature business models.

As part of the ENERSHARE project, funded by the EU, 30 partners from industry and research are developing and demonstrating a European Energy Data Space. The aim is to build an interoperable and trustworthy energy data ecosystem »within the energy sector« and »across sectors«. Private consumers, companies (energy and non-energy) and regulated operators will be able to access, share and reuse data on the basis of voluntary agreements (or legal obligations, if such exist). EnerSHARE provides a technical solution for the sovereign exchange and sharing of data, enabling the transition to smarter and more decentralized paradigms.

More information about the project can be found here.

Funding: EU

Project Management: Engineering SPA

Contact within CINES: Charukeshi Mayuresh Joglekar  

Participating Fraunhofer Institutes: Fraunhofer IEE, IOSB-AST, FIT

Project Partner: Engineering SPA, Engie, EPU NTUA, etc.

Project Duration: 07.2022 –06.2025