FAIRWinDS - Findable, Accessible, Interpretable and Reusable Wind energy data in Data Spaces

Wind energy will be one of the important pillars of our future energy system. In order to make possible potentials in the operation of wind turbines visible and usable, the joint use and evaluation of operating data would be an important instrument. Currently, a cross-company learning process fails due to the lack of data standardization as well as the companies' fear of losing control over their own data.

The goal of the FAIRWinDS research project is to enable the sovereign exchange of data between companies and researchers using a so-called data trust model. The trust model is implemented on the basis of the decentralized data infrastructure of the International Data Spaces (IDS). In this distributed data space, the data trustee acts as a "data bridge" between the provider of raw data and the actors for whom the data provider intends to make data available.


Funding: BMBF

Project Management: Fraunhofer IWES

Contact within CINES: Manuel Wickert, Volker Berghout

Participating Fraunhofer Institutes: Fraunhofer IWES, Fraunhofer IEE, Fraunhofer IAIS, Fraunhofer IMW, Fraunhofer ISST

Project Partner: Deutsche WindGuard Systems GmbH, DrehPunkt GmbH, DTU Wind Energy (Technical University of Denmark), etc.

Project Duration: 01/2022 – 12/2023