ElecHeat - Potentials and levels for the electrification of space heating in buildings

Heating and Cooling (H&C) is the single most important demand sector in Europe. It accounts for about 50% of the European total final energy consumption. At the same time, around 75% of H&C is still based on fossil fuels.

The aim of the project is to create model-based scenarios for a decarbonized heat supply by 2050. The starting point of the modeling is the creation of a baseline, which serves as the basis for a comparative analysis of the scenarios. Scenarios for the following technology options are modeled:

  • direct electrification of the heat supply
  • indirect electrification of heat supply through renewable hydrogen
  • indirect electrification of heat supply by providing heat from renewable synthetic gases and liquids (e-gas and e-liquid)

The different scenarios for renewable heat supply with different technology combinations are compared with each other. Recommendations for removing barriers and implementing measures required to realize the recommended cost-effective scenario are derived. The results will be presented in a stakeholder consultation workshop.  

You can find more info about the project here.


Funding: European Commission, DG ENER

Project Management: Consentec

Contact within CINESAnna Billerbeck

Participating Fraunhofer Institutes: ISI, IEG

Project Partner: Consentec, Technische Universität Wien, e-think, REKK.

Project Duration: 11.2020 - 07.2022